

Functional Food Concentrates Series


Provide Eye Protection

Main Ingredients
Bilberry Extract, Wolfberry Leaf Extract, Wolfberry Extract, Natural Vitamin E, Lutein Ester

Retailed Price: $730 (120 Tablets)

Product Intro Video

What is NuEye?

NuEye is a health supplement product that is rarely seen on the market which contains a compound mixture of Western and Chinese ingredients, e.g. Bilberry extract, Wolfberry leaf extract, Wolfberry extract and Wheat germ extract. The manufacturing process of NuEye gained its patent certificate from the State Intellectual Property Office of The P.R.C (Patent Number: 201110075273.9 and 201110074006.X). The use of “Superfine Grinding Technology” ensures that it preserves the best part of the product thus better absorption. And the application of “Vacuum freeze Drying Technology” maximize the retention of nutrients in the product and hence a longer shelf life. It is therefore to help in supporting healthy vision, capillary health of eyes and reducing harmful lights that enter the eye.

What is Bilberry Extract?

NuEye uses wild blueberries (Bilberry), also called “European blueberry”, which contain abundant antioxidants – anthocyanins, the content of which is far higher than regular blueberries. This can prevent free radical damage to eye cells, help protect eye blood vessels, and have anti-inflammatory effects.

What is Wolfberry Leaf Extract?

Wolfberry leaf extract can provide various vitamins and minerals that are necessary to maintain eye health, such as vitamin C, chromium, vanadium, calcium, copper, etc. It can have a synergistic effect with blueberry extract, helping to improve eye blood circulation, protect eye blood vessels, and reduce the effects of diabetic retinopathy.

What is Goji Berry Extract?

Goji berries contain 18 amino acids, 21 minerals, and higher levels of carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin compared to carrots. Lutein and zeaxanthin are two types of antioxidants that can be utilized by the eyes, and they are the main pigments that make up the retinal macula. Additionally, the vitamins in goji berries are essential substances that help to prevent the aging of lens.

What is Lutein Esters?

Lutein esters are an important type of fatty acid, primarily extracted from marigolds, with similar functions to carotenoids. Lutein esters have antioxidant properties and can filter out blue light. They can also help prevent damage to the eyes from ultraviolet light or blue light from smartphones, protecting the retina. Lutein esters help protect vision, relieve eye fatigue, and improve symptoms like blurred vision, dry eyes, eye pain, photophobia, red corneas, and age-related macular degeneration. Consuming more lutein esters can enhance overall eye health.
Furthermore, lutein esters have higher stability, absorption rate, and acid resistance compared to regular lutein.
Higher stability: Lutein has relatively low stability, whilst lutein esters are more stable to light and heat.
Higher absorption rate: Lutein esters are better absorbed and utilized by the body compared to lutein. Lutein esters are more stable under different light, heat, and pH conditions than regular lutein. Therefore, esterified lutein is more easily absorbed and used by the human body. Once lutein esters enter the digestive system, they are hydrolyzed to lutein, thereby possessing the same protective effects as lutein.
Higher acid resistance: Lutein esters have higher acid resistance than regular lutein. When consumed, regular lutein is more easily broken down by stomach acid, reducing absorption. But lutein esters have very low degradation when passing through the stomach, this facilitates higher absorption.

What is Natural Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is an excellent and effective antioxidant in combating free radicals, reducing UV light damage, preventing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Moreover, vitamin E can improve eye blood circulation, filter harmful lights, and help to mitigate eye aging.

4 Benefits of NuEye
  1. Improving vision, reducing harmful lights entering the eyes
  2. Improving the antioxidant capability in eye blood vessels and maintaining the health of capillaries in the eyes
  3. Helping to prevent and alleviate cataract
  4. Helping to relieve dry, fatigued eyes and eye redness

Main Ingredients
Bilberry Extract, Wolfberry Leaf Extract, Wolfberry Extract, Natural Vitamin E, Lutein Ester

2 times daily, take 2 capsules each time
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